Short Version:
I’m rewriting extensively and have realised that posting chapter-by-chapter doesn’t work for me. The plan is to turn the series into a trilogy of three novels, and I’m aiming to have the first book (Web of Shadows) done this year. Follow this blog for updates, and I’ll also be posting more on Twitter and Tumblr as I go.
Long Version:
Celestial Chronicle is my anime-esque magical girl series that I started writing in 2015 with the intention of publishing it serially on my website and on Archive of Our Own. It stalled when I ran into a combination of writer’s block and the first bout of what turned out to be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Fortunately, my CFS has been improving slowly over the last few years and I’ve learned a lot about how to manage my time around it. I’ve been working away on Celestial Chronicle, trying to figure out what was stalling me, and eventually realised there were a few fundamental problems that I needed to remove, which meant extensive rewriting. So that’s one reason.
It also gave me the opportunity to step back and think about my writing, which has led to a startling and rather ironic discovery (given my history with fanfiction) : I am really not cut out to write serially. I get hung up on perfectionism very easily, and there’s nothing that can stall me like the feeling I’ve written myself into a corner or I want to go back and change things but can’t. So for this second draft of Celestial Chronicle, I want to actually draft it all the way through before I consider publishing.
And finally, I’m committing seriously to writing now that I can’t work a day job, and one of the ways I want to do that is by starting a Patreon and other support options. This means I have to take the story down from Archive of Our Own, because their terms and conditions require that everything posted is not-for-profit.
Incidentally, shout out to AO3: the mods were super helpful when I started writing CC and wasn’t sure if it would be okay to post it, since it isn’t fanfiction. They gave me a really clear answer so I knew where I stood with it. Thanks guys!
I’ve decided to take down the Celestial Chronicle sub-site for now because without the chapters being posted regularly it’s really overkill. Updates will now be via this blog: here’s the Celestial Chronicle post category . I intend to post about my progress, post art, etc.
Thanks for the support I’ve received so far, and I’m sorry for the long silence. One of the most insidious things about something like CFS is the way it creeps up on you and you keep thinking you’ll be better soon. If I’d realised it would be nearly three years before I could get back to writing CC, I would have been more proactive in letting people know what was going on.
Stay tuned for the new, improved Celestial Chronicle, now with about 110% more pain because they were definitely having it way too easy. š